Expert for Carbon Credit Initiative – Short-Term Project (40 working days)
Expert for Carbon Credit Initiative – Short-Term Project (40 working days)
The European Union Global Climate Change Alliance + (GCCA+) Support Facility is seeking a local expert to undertake work in Barbados under the supervision of an international key expert towards the establishment of an innovative carbon credit partnership to be developed by the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI). With guidance from the BTMI and the National Conservation Commission and in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union, the consultants (both the international and local experts) will undertake the related tasks outlined below:
• Task 1 – Prepare methodology and work plan – The consultants are requested to prepare a methodology and a draft work plan for the assignment, including the approach to the data collection from relevant sectors and consultations with relevant stakeholders.
• Task 2 – Undertake review of key national documents and data repositories to determine legal and natural capital status of cleared lands and lands with forest/vegetative stock coverage, approximations of current rate of carbon sequestration, national policies and
regulations regarding protection and conservation of and proprietary interests in forest reserves and associated benefits, as well as ongoing and significant past actions related to national reforestation efforts and sources of financial support, assessing factors for
success/failure. Additionally, complete review of the requirements for certification from an accredited certification program in order to define the scope and parameters of the national initiative and roles of stakeholders.
• Task 3 – Identify all relevant public, private and local stakeholders and conduct consultations to (1) identify target sites for local reforestation actions and (species to be used) key decision points for implementing the project. As such, the consultants will conduct stakeholder consultations with private and public sector entities to determine suitable areas for reforestation/forestation and local or indigenous plant stock to be considered.
• Task 4 – Based on the analysis of the information and data collected in Tasks 1-3, develop a Project Idea Note (PIN), which will support overall programme design by the third part development partner. This PIN should include, but should not be limited to the
o Intervention logic and alignment with wider national conservation and land management policies- Detailed intervention logic for the
establishment of a national carbon offset programme with a focus to offset carbon emission from airline travel by supporting reforestation of target areas in Barbados. The project document should outline the scope and targets for the interventions, target areas for in country reforestation actions and identify appropriate species, target densities/ numbers and coverage areas. Expected carbon sequestration rates and appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the projects should be detailed.
o Proposed Indicative action plan- The project document must also include a proposed indicative action plan outlining implementation
arrangements and actions to ensure project sustainability. As such the document should address recommendations for third party development partner entities which will support this initiative and the national coordination mechanism that will oversee implementation of action in Barbados and coordination with the third-party verification mechanism. The modality for calculation and sale of carbon credits should be clearly detailed as well as sources of upfront funding of actions and revenue generation for continuation of the initiative.
o Indicative Budget and resource needs- Provision of a breakdown of project costs and resource requirements (human resources, equipment needs etc.) over the life of the programme
o Comprehensive stakeholder consultation strategy identifying overarching objectives, key decision points, stakeholder roles and inputs
into decisions, and an indicative time line for consultations.
o Identification of opportunities for knowledge sharing and replication- Identification of the approach to knowledge management and
project communication and visibility. Recommendations for identification of opportunities for expansion and replication of the initiative should also be provided.
The GCCA+ Support Facility is seeking a local expert with the following baseline qualifications,
skills and expertise:
• Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in forestry, agroforestry, natural resource management or other relevant discipline
• A minimum of 7 years’ of relevant professional working experience in forest conservation/ management, land use management or reforestation initiatives
• Experience with national climate change and conservation initiatives and with stakeholder consultations
• Ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines and with a multi-disciplinary team
• The contract will have a maximum duration of max. 40 days (in total) starting tentatively on 1st April 2021 for an estimated duration of 8 weeks.
• This assignment will be home-based.
Interested persons should email their CV and a cover letter summarizing their experience to by Saturday, 13 March, 2021.