Barbados MICE facilities guide 2018-2019
When business brings you to Barbados, we do our best to make it a pleasure for you. Your international travel experience starts with a brisk walk through arrivals at the modern Grantley Adams international airport; a porter will collect your bags and show you to your taxi, limousine or perhaps a waiting helicopter.
With world-class communications, including high-speed broadband access, and excellent transportation links, Barbados offers ease of doing business. Our time zone matches cities in eastern USA and Canada, just a few hours behind central Europe, facilitating international commerce and trade. And there are many business opportunities in the Caribbean, and specifically onshore and offshore in Barbados thanks to our reputation for strong fiscal regulation, democratic tradition and a stable currency. We are considered to be one of the world’s most business-friendly countries.
Take advice from the Barbados International Business Association, Barbados Business Authority and Barbados Small Business Association. We warmly welcome you to join some of the world’s most successful companies here in Barbados.